Who is fungi?

fungi as a brand and a product originated more than 25 years ago, in Norway, as a passionate expression of the rich and diverse flavours that our nature provides.

Today, we work even harder to extract the maximum amount of flavours, with the least amount impact on our surroundings, to make cooking a fun and flavoursome experience.

Our team consists of a collection entrepreneurial foodies and a Chef, who jointly works to make fungi a collection of tasty tips, tricks and tools. We have individually experienced a variety of lifestyle and dietary challenges ourselves and think that making cooking fun and accessible is way for more people to enjoy their lives.

What is fungi?

Simply put, we brew and bottle rich flavours. We make condiments and spices allowing anyone to enhance their favourite recipes or create something new. How? Well, we use the same techniques as your grandmother, carefully selecting our ingredients, then cooking by hand and conserving our products naturally.

As a great source of umami, we utilise mushrooms as a base for most of our products, making a brine, which we filter, then reduce and blend with ingredients and spices such as black pepper, juniper berries, pine needles, garlic, red wine, dark caramel, syrup, apple cider vinegar, subject to the individual recipe. But, as you can see, we keep our ingredients list short and add lots of love

People often refer to the Original product as a "mushroom extract" or "mushroom soy sauce". This is because the dark drops can be reminiscent of a soy sauce, with lots of umami flavor and salty tones. Each bottle of fungi contains nearly 1,50 drops packed with flavour. You can store the product in room temperature, but make sure to avoid sun light and sources of heat for the longest lifespan. Ordinarily our products have a shelf life of more than four years when the bottles leave our kitchen. If you enjoy tasty cooking, we believe fungi should be amongst your most obvious staples.

How to use fungi?

The "secret" to great cooking is to simply balance the five flavours that we experience as humans; salt, sweet, sour, bitter and umami flavours.

Both salt and sweet foods are quite common for most people, but we tend to underestimate just how easy it is to get good food to taste completely phenomenal by adding a little extra acidity and umami. Especially, if you eat a lot of plant-based foods, the umami flavour can be challenging to produce, but fungi makes that easy. Acidity is traditionally found in vinegar and citrus fruits, but umami is often a little more difficult to describe. Umami is described in Japan as "the tasty taste" and is found naturally in well-preserved cheese, fried bacon, miso, truffles and mushrooms.

Historically, we went all-in on maximising umami flavours, but now we are also releasing our very own Nordic Ponzu sauce, balanced with acidity, as well as our new Forest vinegar. Together, our family of products create a flavoursome harmony and make cooking fun. Add fungi to your soups, sauces, marinades, dressing, on meat, fish, greens and even your favorite dessert. Please find more inspiration and ideas amongst our recipes here.

More flavour, more fun

Plant-based recipes

Our products are packed with flavours that makes it easy and fun for anyone to enjoy tasty cooking. Also, the products are 100% plant-based and vegan-friendly.

Gluten- and dairy-free ingredients

We keep it simple and want everyone to enjoy our products. We make fungi from scratch to ensure it is what we say it is.

Soy-free "soy sauce"

Our deep umami flavours are derived from mushrooms and is a rich reduction, not a fermented soy sauce. But, characteristically, we are somewhat alike :)